war of peoples is on (in contrast to the old clash of civilizations idea)! The
recent spate of clearly unofficial acts of war between Palestinians and
Israelis signals a war of peoples. These governments do not want total war (if
you can call these strange entities governments, the PA and Likud). But the
Peoples are not so disciplined and some want and draw upon the idea of war to
act out. The War of Peoples is the
effect of the End of Representation. It stems from the effect that the myth or
illusion or possibility of representation is finally dead. Just as delegates no
longer represent constituents (not with districts so gerrymandered) and votes
no longer register preferences (votes are stoked through data mining) nor
purchases represent desires (consumers purchase a thing due to advertisements)
and governments no longer represent interests, people are no longer represented
by ‘their’ government. Peoples have then become an independent, even hostile,
political force. Governments will do and seek one thing (no war, in this case)
and Peoples will do and seek another outcome. The war of peoples, which takes
the apparent form of tit for tat murders, is one effect of the End of
Representation. This is true divergence and nothing that governments can do anything
about. Unlike Machiavelli’s modern notion that government should initiate or be
aggressive as a general rule in their acts and policies, governments must now
also be regularly reactive and backpedal out from the dizzying ‘out of control’
vortex that disrupts their carefully laid goals.